Education and career
1982 – Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, electronic engineering engineer
2012 – Candidate of Technical Sciences 05.12.17 radio engineering and television systems, thesis topic “Radio engineering systems for protecting the perimeters of territorially distributed objects”.
Since 2020 – Associate Professor of the MEIRES Department part-time
Educational activity
Leading lecturer in disciplines (part-time – NURE): “3D graphics”, “Tools and technologies for working with graphic editors. Basics of 3-D graphics”, “Digital visualization technologies”, “System analysis and decision-making in medicine”, “Hardware and software complexes for medical purposes”, “Information management in medicine”, “Information technologies in health care institutions”. Leading lecturer in disciplines (main place of work – KhPI) “Diagnostic devices and systems”, “Telemedical devices and systems for biomedical purposes”, “Fundamentals of professional, social and environmental responsibility of an electronic systems specialist”, “Physiotherapeutic equipment”, “Methods of functional diagnostics “, “Methods of laboratory diagnostics”, “Electronic devices for measuring and matching signals”, “Sensors of electronic quantities”, “Analog circuit engineering”, “Electronics and microcircuit engineering”, “Power electronics”, “Electrical materials and electronic components in medicine”, ” , “Sensor and measurement”, “Biomedical Materials and Components”, “Physiotherapy Methods”.
Research activities
Radio technical devices and systems, biomedical engineering, telemedicine, research of signal processing methods, image processing.
Author of more than 160 scientific publications and educational and methodological works.